As a single female, I try to avoid walking outside at night by myself. But sometimes, it’s unavoidable! When I rented a car for a quick weekend excursion once, I parked my own car in the parking lot of a nearby business where it could sit safely until I returned from my trip. It was about a 4-5 minute walk from the rental car facility. When I picked up the rental, it was midday! So the walk from the nearby parking lot to the rental car facility was a breeze. The sun was out, birds were chirping, and I could clearly see all of my surroundings.
But when I returned the rental, it was a different story. It was past midnight, around 1 a.m. Of course, the cover of night had fallen with authority. But I was on my own, and I had no option but to park the rental in the facility’s lot, drop the keys in the slot, and walk those 4-5 minutes to my own car in the dark, by myself. My shoulders tensed up a bit, and my senses heightened. I kept my head on a swivel and continually checked my surroundings the best I could in the pitch black. Noises didn’t feel as friendly as they had on my midday jaunt a few days prior, and every set of headlights that approached felt a teeny bit threatening.
As I walked, I thought about how crazy it was that I was literally treading the exact same path I’d taken a couple days before! And when I walked it that time, I felt 100% at ease. It felt safe, friendly and simple. But in the dark, it sure didn’t. In the middle of the night, nervousness, uncertainty and even a bit of fear came over me. It was the same path, but everything changes when the lights turn on.
Have you read the verse about God’s Word being a light?
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. -Psalm 119:105
Do you have an area of your life that’s making you a bit nervous? Uncertain? Afraid? Turn on the light! Look to God’s Word for answers, encouragement and direction. Everything changes when the lights turn on. If you’re not sure how to find the verses you need, here are a couple ideas:
Even if you find just one verse that seems to speak directly to your situation, read that verse over and over. Meditate on it. Memorize it. Speak it out loud whenever the difficult situation, thought or emotion creeps in. Write it on a notecard and stick it up on your mirror or tape it to the middle console in your car. And then, start your own topical list to reference in the future!
Just remember–you can apply God’s Word to any struggle you’re facing. If your mind is filled with negative thoughts, that is darkness. Those thoughts do not come from God. If your anxiety is getting the best of you, that is darkness. Anxiety does not come from God. If you have a work situation that feels hopeless and impossible, that might feel like darkness. Darkness does not come from God. So open your Bible, and turn on the light. Everything changes when the lights turn on! You’ll see.