I’m reading through the book of Ezekiel right now, and today I navigated through some tough chapters about God’s wrath. More specifically, I was in Ezekiel 4-9, where God is telling Ezekiel to prophesy about His coming judgment against those who had rebelled against His laws and decrees. The wrath of God, as described in these chapters, is thorough and complete. Although God is patient and merciful as He waits for His people to return to Him, He will not be patient forever. There will come a day when Jesus will return, and those who are not on board with Him will face eternal devastation.
What I found especially convicting as I read was that the main sin of the people Ezekiel was speaking to was idolatry. A simple definition of idolatry is to worship something as if it were a god. In Exodus 20:3-6, God clearly tells us that we are to have no other gods except Him. When we give anything or anyone more time, attention or worth than we give to God, that thing/person/idea has likely reached idol status in our lives. And actually, throughout the Old Testament, we read about the constant problem God’s people had of placing other gods before Him.
Has anything changed today? Unfortunately not. In Ezekiel’s time, standing on a foundation of idolatry eventually gave way to calamity and destruction in the worst possible way you could imagine. Instead of joy, there was panic (Ezekiel 7:7). Instead of peace, there was terror (Ezekiel 7:23). God was so upset by His people’s actions, that when His perfect plan indicated that judgment day had come, He turned His face away from them (Ezekiel 7:22). I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything sadder than that.
So if we don’t want to stand on a shaky foundation of idolatry, what’s the alternative? Standing firm on Jesus. Keeping Him first in our lives! When we order our lives around Him, then no matter what comes our way, we can stand firm and strong.
A beloved former student of mine absolutely loves the game of basketball, and he’s pretty darn good at it. It brings him immeasurable joy! But I went to one of his games recently, and unfortunately he suffered an ankle injury in the middle of the first half and was out for the rest of the game. Not only that, he ended up having surgery and is missing the remainder of the season. When I spoke to him after the game, this sweet boy’s eyes were red, and his shoulders were drooping. It’s his senior season! He had actually just returned to action after a different injury, and then got knocked down again, losing the chance to enjoy playing one final year of high school basketball with his buddies.
As I drove home after the game, I couldn’t help but continue thinking about the disappointment and devastation of the entire situation. Thankfully, this student of mine loves the Lord, and He knows that there’s more to life than basketball. But my mind kept wandering to those who aren’t standing on Jesus’ firm foundation. When we falter and start standing on hobbies, relationships, jobs, money, status, or power instead of the laws and decrees of God, any peace and joy we experience is shallow and temporary. Idolizing something like basketball means that when you get injured, the obstacle feels insurmountable. Loving God above all else, on the other hand, means that when you face a setback, your peace and joy remain firmly intact.
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” -Matthew 7:24-25
Is the Holy Spirit convicting you right now about someone or something in your life that you’re prioritizing above God? Here are three simple ways you might be able to tell whether or not you’re placing God first.
If the Holy Spirit is waving a red flag in your heart, today is the day to make a change. “Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5, emphasis added). Place God first in your life, and His inexplicable joy and peace will be yours.
He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure. -Isaiah 33:6