A Fellowship of Believers

The Forward Motion of Stepping Out in Faith

Have you ever tried to win a race without running? Or have you attempted to visit new parts of your city without hopping in the car and hitting the highway? What about finding a local church to attend… Have you tried doing that without actually going to the church, meeting the people and worshiping there? Movement is often essential to progress.

This got me thinking about many times in the Bible when people were required to physically move, stepping forward in faith, in order to obey God. For example…

Abraham! Who can forget about the father of our faith, Abraham? God came to Abram and instructed him to leave his home and “go to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Go to the land I will show you! Does a vaguer instruction exist? Talk about blind faith. Abraham left everything comfortable and familiar and set out into the unknown, having no idea where he was even going. He put his feet to the pavement and walked toward God’s promise of greatness and blessing. 

The Israelites! Soon after Moses led them out of their Egyptian bondage, they found themselves in a difficult position. The Red Sea was in front of them, and the Egyptians were in hot pursuit behind them. When God led Moses to raise his staff so the waters would part and reveal dry ground to walk across, the people had to step out in faith—perhaps with imposing water walls raised on each side of the path. Despite likely being anxious, afraid and maybe even panicky, the Israelites had to literally put one foot in front of the other and move forward. 

The Israelites (again)! Later on in the Israelites’ story, the people were finally making their way into the Promised Land. Soon after crossing the Jordan River, the walled city of Jericho loomed. The newly appointed Israelite leader, Joshua, received some odd instructions from God, which included walking laps around the city. They were to walk around Jericho once a day for six days, and then on the seventh day, walk around it while also blaring trumpets and shouting. When the people followed these instructions, the walls of Jericho fell down, and the Israelites were victorious. Would they have triumphed without moving forward? I think not. Movement required! 

The disciples! Remember when Jesus called His 12 disciples? He selected 12 men who would travel with Him for His three years of earthly ministry, and these men did not have a heads up about it. Nope, Jesus just showed up one day and told them to follow Him. He didn’t give an explanation… He didn’t provide a job description or references… He didn’t offer a timeline of when they might be back… He simply said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). What did the disciples have to do? A response of faith required forward movement. They had to leave behind their homes, families and professions and walk toward—and with—Jesus. 

Jesus! Can you believe this? Jesus also had to step out in faith as He followed God’s plan while living on earth as a man. Throughout His years of public ministry, Jesus stayed on the move. He walked from town to town teaching, healing, leading and restoring. But when it was time for Him to die, the Bible says Jesus made a resolute step toward Jerusalem, knowing that’s where He would be crucified (Luke 9:51). What a difficult step of faith that must have been, right? But Jesus put one foot in front of the other and made His way toward His sacrificial death. He stepped out in faithful obedience, trusting in God’s sovereign plan for Him and for the world. 

Following Jesus requires movement.  These examples all demonstrate physical movement, but other types of movement might be called for in other circumstances. It might be initiating a conversation, writing a proposal, clicking “submit” online, or making a phone call to get more information. When God calls you to do something, most likely, some type of forward movement will be needed. Are you idling in an area of life where you need to be moving? Are you stalling? Avoiding? Wavering? If God has instructed you to move forward in any type of way, consider this your friendly shove in His divine direction. 

Forward movement will not be easy. It’s hard to set out in faith when all you can see is the ground right in front of you. How much simpler would things be if God gave us the entire blueprint? If He dropped a booklet on my doorstep with a detailed set of instructions, including a specific timeline, my life would be so much easier. Yours would, too, I’m guessing. But then, guess what? Faith would no longer be needed. There would be no need to lean in, get close to the Lord, and depend on Him. There would be no need for faith. When the picture is unclear, we must draw near to God and listen ever so carefully for His next instruction. And then, we move forward. 

For we walk by faith, not by sight. -2 Corinthians 5:7

We walk by faith. Did you catch that? Faith calls us to move. How is God calling you to move forward in faith today?