It’s confession time! So I was at a coffee shop a couple weeks ago, and I sat down with a mission—to watch one specific sermon from a pastor who I love learning from. Coffee shops are my favorite place to go where I can get away from distractions and read my Bible, a good book, listen to a sermon, or just sit and be. Do you have a place like that where you know you can get away from the distractions of the world and really focus on something?
Well, despite the fact that coffee shops are my go-to distraction free zone, they’re not foolproof in that way for me. Case in point, on this particular day a couple weeks ago, I was watching a sermon that was being live streamed on YouTube at a specific time… And also at that specific time, there was a certain NFL playoff game starting that I wanted to keep an eye on… So of course I thought I could easily “watch” both things at once! I had the perfect plan! I would keep the sermon on MAX view on my phone screen, and just put the football game in a MINIMIZED, muted box down in the corner. About halfway through the sermon, when the football game was kicking off, I set my master plan into motion only to find out it wouldn’t work. Both apps would not keep playing at the same time. It was either one or the other.
You’ll be happy to know that I chose to finish the sermon! And, of course, the football game was waiting for me when the sermon ended. But as I drove home to catch the end of the game, I thought about how silly of a plan that really was to begin with. Did I really think I’d be able to learn anything from the sermon while I had a whole football game playing down in the corner of my phone? As the kids say these days, SMH (*shaking my head*).
My mind immediately started thinking about several different Bible passages that remind me that as disciples of Christ, we can’t have it both ways. We’re either with Jesus, or we’re not! There is no middle ground, no neutral response. We can’t watch the sermon and the football game at the same time. Paging through the gospels, the four books of the Bible that tell the story of Jesus’ life on earth, you’ll see many times when something Jesus said or did elicited two polar opposite reactions from people. The people were either all in or all against—no neutral ground, no double purpose screen. In fact, this was evident from the very beginning when Jesus was born…
Jesus stirs up people’s emotions, and His gospel message continued to do the same even after He ascended into Heaven. Dramatically different responses to the Good News can be seen in the book of Acts as the early church was built and nurtured, and these polar opposite reactions are still seen in the world today. Bottom line? There is no neutral ground. You cannot sit on the fence about Jesus—you’re either with Him, or you’re not. This verse from Luke sums it up powerfully:
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” -Luke 11:23
The Message translation of this same verse says:
“This is war, and there is no neutral ground. If you’re not on my side, you’re the enemy; if you’re not helping, you’re making things worse.” -Luke 11:23
So which side do you fall on? Are you with Jesus or against Him? Neither is not an option, and this isn’t just fun and games. Why not? Because when Jesus returns and restores His eternal kingdom in relationship with His believers, there will be no middle ground. Every single person on earth will either join the Lord for a life of everlasting joy or be destined to an eternity spent without Him. To me, the choice seems pretty clear.
While I wait on Jesus’ return, I want to make sure my words, actions, mindsets and heart motives are clear each day. I don’t want to be found sitting on a fence—with one foot enjoying worldly pleasures and the other grasping for a foothold in the presence of God. I don’t want to make any more failed attempts at watching a sermon and a football game at the same time. (Of course, watching football isn’t a sin, but the illustration makes its point, right?) My eyes would not have been able to successfully watch both things on my phone screen at once, which reminds me of the importance of being intentional about where I fix my eyes. So as I aim to be counted among those who are amazed and delighted in response to Jesus each day (to the best of my human ability), I pray this verse over myself, and I encourage you to pray it, too:
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. -Hebrews 12:1b-2a