A Fellowship of Believers

Seeing Obedience in a Whole New Light

The word obedience doesn’t immediately fill me with happy, joyful thoughts. What about you? When I think about being obedient, for some reason I seem to automatically think about situations when I need to submit to another person even if I don’t want to. The dictionary definition of obedience doesn’t help make the word seem any more enticing: compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority. How fun is it to comply with laws, orders and directives? While being obedient in any circle of life may not always be straight up painful, it also isn’t necessarily exciting and fun.

When I was introducing a final project for one of my classes to embark on for the last couple weeks of the school semester this past May, one particular student was less than thrilled. Do we have to do this? he asked. Well, yes, I replied. Why? came the inevitable followup question. And in that moment, what came out of my mouth was, because I said so. Now don’t worry, I’m not that kind of teacher! Ha! I work hard to have great relationships with my students, and I said that with a smile on my face just because it was the easiest reply in the moment… But I did keep the conversation going, then, and I explained to him more about the purpose behind the project.

Ultimately, my student just needed to obey his teacher by completing the work I assigned. Full obedience means complying with rules even when we don’t want to, even when it’s difficult, and even when we’d rather do something else. Thankfully, when God’s Word talks about obedience, it never takes the easy way out with the default answer, because I said so. What’s even better news is that obeying God usually comes with joy and blessing. How great is that? Here’s what I mean: 

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. -Isaiah 1:19

Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. -Exodus 19:5-6

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” -Luke 11:28

One great example of this in the Bible is in 2 Chronicles 30. After Hezekiah became king of Judah (in 2 Chronicles 29), he got the Israelites back on track in many ways. They had strayed from God’s narrow path, so Hezekiah repaired and reopened the temple. He brought in the religious leaders and gave them a little talking to—pumped them up to guide the people back into lifestyles of obedience to God. The people ended up gathering together and purifying the temple, consecrating themselves and committing to following the word of the Lord. Offerings were made as the service of the temple was reestablished, and King Hezekiah organized and decreed a Passover celebration in Jerusalem. 

Now, in 2 Chronicles 30, we read about some of the fruits of the people’s turn from sin and rebellion. Now that they’d decided to rededicate themselves to following God’s Word, they found joy. If you read this entire chapter, you’ll find the words joyfully, rejoiced, great rejoicing, and great joy scattered throughout. This verse sums it up pretty well:

There was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the days of Solomon son of David king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem. -2 Chronicles 30:26

Does this mean that living in obedience to God guarantees a life brimming with great rejoicing and celebration every day? Not necessarily. We still live in an imperfect world. Life will not be perfectly great until Jesus returns to restore the earth and establish His eternal kingdom. But even when you’re experiencing a tough season, you can actually still have God’s joy deep in your heart.

Is there one of God’s commands that’s hard for you to obey? He’s not telling you to do it just because He feels like it, and He’s definitely not giving you any instructions because He wants to make your life more challenging or difficult. He’s not a “because I said so” God. His commands are for our ultimate good. Obedience to the Lord does sometimes add challenges to our earthly relationships and situations, but the joy and blessings that come from Him far outweigh any possible difficulties. He wants your life to be filled with joy, and obedience will put you on a path in that direction. The joy of the Lord is deeper and better than any joy the world tries to offer.