A Fellowship of Believers

Man in the Crowd: Honesty in the Presence of God

There’s an unnamed “man in the crowd” referenced in Mark 9 who has impacted my journey of spiritual growth. That’s kinda crazy to think about, right? The Bible is full of people whose names we’re quite familiar with… Abraham, Jacob, Mary, Isaac, Noah, Peter, Paul, Lazarus, Rahab and so many others. But there are also some unnamed characters who make small appearances, and these folks can teach valuable lessons, as well. 

Let me tell you this man’s story from Mark 9:14-27. In the midst of a commotion between some of Jesus’ disciples and the teachers of the law, a man came out and asked Jesus to heal his son. His son, whose name is also unknown, was possessed by a spirit that had robbed him of his ability to speak, so his dad was advocating on his behalf. 

“Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.” -Mark 9:17-18

Jesus asked the man a few more questions and found out the spirit had been in the boy since childhood. Not only had it prevented the boy from talking, but it had also put him into dangerous situations. The spirit had often thrown the boy into fire or water to try and kill him. Then, the man uttered a sentence that Jesus lovingly but strongly pounced on. He said:

“But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” -Mark 9:22b

Does anything from that sentence jump out at you? It sure did jump out at Jesus… That sneaky but powerful word, IF. Jesus did not let that slide by, and His response is powerful. However, what’s just as powerful is the man’s reply to Jesus’ response. Here is their exchange:

“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” -Mark 9:23-24

I just love the man’s honest cry. Help me overcome my unbelief! This makes me stop and think about the different “kinds” of belief I have within my walk with God. For example, I believe God is the creator of the world and giver of all good things. I also believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose again three days later. I believe that His victory over death guarantees me victory over sin and death in my own life and secures eternal life for me when my days on earth are over. And as long as I’ve mentioned God and Jesus, I might as well mention the Holy Spirit, too! 🙂 I believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in me, actively teaching, counseling and guiding me each day. 

But even though I believe these truths about God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—who they are and what they can do—I still pray every morning and ask God to help me overcome my unbelief. How could I still have unbelief festering in the midst of my certain and unshakeable beliefs? 

Here’s one simple example. I’ve felt God’s nudge to soon move out of my teaching position, which I’ve held for 17 years. I’m comfortable and happy at my school, and I absolutely love the teachers and students I’m surrounded by each day. I’ve worked my way up the ladder enough to be left alone and trusted to do my thing without being micromanaged. My work life is a source of great peace and joy! So why would I leave? Well, if the Spirit is nudging me to move on, then I must respond in faithful obedience. Whenever the time is right, that will require stepping out of my comfort zone, stepping into risk, and trusting in God’s master plan for my life. It will require a healthy dose of FAITH! So when I pray and ask God to help me overcome my unbelief, I’m essentially asking Him to give me the faith I need to follow him wholeheartedly. 

Maybe it’s a different situation that comes to mind for you. Perhaps you’re struggling to believe that God can heal a loved one or restore a relationship. Or are you having a hard time mustering up enough belief and trust to have a faith conversation with someone at work? Maybe you’re realizing you don’t fully believe God will provide if you commit to tithing at church. Whatever it might be, believers face circumstances daily that require them to demonstrate faith and belief in God’s character. 

When the man in the crowd asked God to help him overcome his unbelief, he modeled how we as believers can approach God honestly and ask for help. So how did Jesus respond? 

When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the impure spirit. “You deaf and mute spirit,” he said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.” The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up. -Mark 9:25-27

What a story! The man may be nameless, and the passage may only be 14 verses long, but this little story has it all. Drama, intrigue, pain, honest truth, a curious crowd and a miraculous healing. Surely there is something you can learn from this man about God or yourself. 

What can we learn about God from the man in the crowd’s story? 

  • God is a healer.
  • God has ultimate power over evil spirits.
  • He listens to our honest cries for help and responds to them.
  • Even when we struggle to believe in Him, He provides space for us to increase our faith.
  • He wants us to believe He can do the impossible!
  • God cares about everyone. No child or adult is insignificant in His eyes.
  • He is worthy of our trust.

What can we learn about people/ourselves from the man in the crowd’s story? 

  • We can take our honest doubts and request to God without fear.
  • We can be bold and ask God (expectantly!) for big things.
  • Different life circumstances will challenge my faith in God, but He will not push me aside. I can ask Him for help as I mature in Him through the ups and downs of my spiritual life.
  • We can go confidently before God, even though we are broken and imperfect people.

What else do you learn about God from this story? What do you learn about yourself? How can you apply that to your life today? Pick out the one lesson you’re learning from the man in the crowd in Mark 9—you know, that one that’s resonating in your heart right now—and talk to God about it in prayer. Write it down somewhere where you’ll see it, and let that lesson move you forward in faith.