A Fellowship of Believers

Learning About God in a New Way

Sovereign, faithful, all knowing, unchanging. Powerful, loving, holy, good. Attributes of God! We talk about them all the time, and we read about them in the Bible. We hear words like these spoken in church and sung on Christian radio. But how often do you really stop to contemplate the characteristics of our almighty God? 

Not long ago, a woman in my Bible study said she was choosing one of God’s attributes to focus on every day. She was asking God each day to show that specific part of His character to her in some way. What a fantastic idea! Her comment was the start of the Holy Spirit nudging me to be more intentional about pondering the attributes that perfectly comprise God’s character. And so for about a month of this past summer, I did just that. I used a book (“The Attributes of God,” by Arthur Walkington Pink) to really meditate on an attribute a day, and it was awesome. Although none of the character traits themselves were new to me, I honestly hadn’t ever slowed down enough to really think about each one. My hope and prayer was that God would use my study of His character to increase my reverence and holy fear of Him, and He did.

Are you looking for a way to become more intimately acquainted with the Creator? Or are you ready for a time of slowing down and digging deeper into words you often quickly or shallowly brush past? Are you simply seeking a fresh approach to studying God? This might be a perfect idea for you. If you have even the slightest thought that you’re already maxed out on knowledge of God’s character, I humbly challenge you to just give it a try. You might be surprised at what the Holy Spirit can teach you. I gleaned so many new insights and teachings on my little summer journey through the character of God with Arthur Walkington Pink! For example…

SUPREMACY – God is supreme over all. Before Him, presidents, kings, dictators, emperors and kings are less than grasshoppers. If all the armies and peoples of the earth teamed up to revolt against Him, it would affect God less than an ocean wave affects a towering mountain. 

SOVEREIGNTY – There is no place where God’s sovereignty ends and my responsibility begins. My human responsibility is based on His sovereignty! It comes from Him because He wills it. 

HOLINESS – God’s holiness is His beauty! Holiness adorns His other attributes (holy wisdom, holy justice, holy arm of power, etc.). His holiness is the beauty of all God’s attributes.

POWER – The power of God gives life and action to every part of His nature. It delivers His promises and activates His mercy. Psalm 104:3 says that God “walketh upon the wings of the wind.” Think about that! He calmly and controllably walks on wind—the most impetuous of elements. 

PATIENCE – God’s patience is the power of control He exercises over Himself. It’s His power of self-restraint. God patiently “sustains great injuries” without avenging Himself immediately, which, from a human standpoint, is an incredibly difficult thing to do. 

GRACE – Only believers truly get to experience God’s grace. What a heartbreaking tragedy for those who never choose to receive it! When thinking about the Trinity, the Father is the fountain of grace, the Son is the channel of grace, and the Holy Spirit is the communicator and bestower of grace. And the Gospel is the publisher!

LOVE – God’s love for me is free, uncaused and uninfluenced. It is entirely unmoved by anything in me. It is His very nature! Any spiritual blessing I receive is a gift of divine love. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! There is always more to learn, ways to grow and wisdom to receive. As you consider God’s attributes, take time to also ponder His majestic glory. I’ve heard it said that God’s glory is the sum of all His attributes. When you put every single one of His character traits together, you get a majestically GLORIOUS God, perfect in every way. Wow! What a thought to behold.

Could God be calling you to study and contemplate His attributes? You can do this through a book or devotional like I did, or you can rely solely on the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Find a list of God’s attributes (here’s one that might get you started), and use a Bible concordance or an internet search bar to find Scripture verses about that attribute. Take notes, pray over the verses, memorize them, post them on your cubicle wall or bathroom mirror! Ask God to specifically reveal Himself to you through the attribute you’re studying. And then? Be open-minded, open-hearted and open-handed. Make yourself available to the guidance and instruction of the Holy Spirit. Pray to be transformed. When an open, willing heart meets an all-powerful God, transformation is on the horizon!