A Fellowship of Believers

How to Read the Bible Like a Treasure Hunter

I got caught up by a verse in Proverbs the other day… Proverbs 2 is talking about the moral benefits of wisdom. When we seek out God’s wisdom, we gain understanding and insight. It also brings us protection and guidance as we traverse through life. Read the entirety of Proverbs 2 for more precious verses about how we benefit from prioritizing our search for wisdom from God. 

As a travel and adventurer lover, one particular phrase made me stop and smile a little extra in Proverbs 2:4—specifically The Message version of it! Here it is together with the surrounding verses, too. 

Good friend, take to heart what I’m telling you; collect my counsels and guard them with your life. Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom; set your heart on a life of Understanding. That’s right—if you make Insight your priority, and won’t take no for an answer, Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold, like an adventurer on a treasure hunt, Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours; you’ll have come upon the Knowledge of God. -Proverbs 2:1-5 (emphasis added)

Isn’t that amazing? Like an adventurer on a treasure hunt, that’s how we can think about our quest for understanding and insight that comes from studying the Bible! Now I do love adventures, especially travel-related adventures. I absolutely adore visiting and exploring new cities, countries, cultures and ways of life. And while actually being there is obviously the best part of a travel adventure, the planning leading up to the trip is almost just as much fun for me. I love scrolling through Pinterest, saving ideas, taking screenshots of restaurants and attractions to visit once I’m there, planning an agenda, booking tours and experiences, and really just doing anything to get me more prepared for traveling.

When it comes to treasure hunts specifically, as Proverbs 2:4 references, I can’t say I’ve necessarily been on many of those. But traveling is a bit like going on a treasure hunt, right? As an adventurer out in the world, you’re searching for hidden gems, for cultural and natural beauty, for delicious local foods, for memorable moments, and so much more. So as a fairly experienced traveler who also loves the Bible, I’m going to mesh these two loves of mine together and suggest a few ways that reading the Bible is like venturing out on a treasure hunt. How could embracing this mindset help to breathe some fresh life into your study of Scripture? 

  • BE PREPARED. A good treasure hunter surely doesn’t embark on a treasure hunt without being prepared. Can you imagine searching for a treasure with no map, no plan, no strategy? Definitely not. Can you imagine heading out on a road trip adventure with no gas in the car, or showing up at the airport without having purchased a ticket? No way! In the same way, when you sit down to dig into the wisdom of God, you must be prepared. Have a plan. Have some resources handy that could help when you don’t understand something. (…like the cross references or footnotes in your Bible, or like the Blue Letter Bible app.) And most importantly of all, prepare by inviting in the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to be active and show you things as you read the Word. Ask the Spirit to give you insight and understanding. You are not prepared to successfully search for treasure in the pages of Scripture without the Holy Spirit by your side.
  • BE DETERMINED. Treasure hunters typically don’t find what they’re looking for right away. …at least not in the movies I’ve seen. It seems like they face all kinds of challenges and obstacles along the way. I mean, could we even call it a treasure hunt if there wasn’t some drama and intrigue thrown in? When you open the pages of your Bible, I don’t think God is sitting up in heaven dishing out challenges to create drama and intrigue in your quest to gain wisdom from His word. But because we live in a fallen world, obstacles will surely pop up. When they do, keep your eyes on the prize. Don’t let some discouragement stop you from earnestly poring over the pages of Scripture. There might be something you don’t understand, or something that challenges you so much you want to stop reading. There might be a person in your life trying to convince you that spending time reading God’s Word isn’t worth it. Whatever obstacle is trying to stall or block you, don’t not let it (or them) prevail. Stay determined! 
  • BE FOCUSED. The phrase in Proverbs 2:4 that immediately precedes our treasure hunt line talks about searching for wisdom like “a prospector panning for gold.” When prospectors pan for gold, they are taking measures to carefully eliminate anything that’s not gold. They get rid of all other tiny rocks, materials and sediments so that all they’re left with is the good stuff. I won’t get into the details of how this process works, but from doing a little research, I can tell that someone panning for gold has to be focused. It’s not one of those things that can be added to a multitasked juggling act, and studying the Bible is the same. You have to be looking closely to find what you’re seeking. If you’re attempting to read your Bible in the mornings while also making coffee, keeping an eye on your phone, folding laundry and checking your text messages every so often, you’re probably not going to find much godly gold. Can you imagine a prospector just casually panning for gold while also scrolling through social media? That wouldn’t work so well, and neither does searching for wisdom in Scripture if your attention is not fully focused on God’s precious words. 
  • BE ACTIVE. While I’d like to think this goes without saying, it seems at least worth a quick mention. An adventurer will not locate treasure by just thinking about it and wishing she knew where it was. Someone who’s traveled to a new city will not see the sights by simply sitting around in the hotel room. In the same way, you will not encounter and learn from God’s Word if you don’t take action—purposeful, intentional action. If you only think about how you wish you were benefiting more from the beauty of God’s wisdom applied in your life, you will not find the treasure. If you consider scrolling past social media posts with Bible verses on them as sufficient, you will not find the treasure. If you assume somebody else (your pastor, Bible study leader, podcaster, friend, mentor, etc.) will carry the load for you, you will not truly find and enjoy the priceless treasure for yourself. You’ve got to get active. Do the “work!” While it honestly might feel like work at the start, I promise it won’t for long. 
  • BE EXPECTANT. What treasure hunters and gold panners set out without thinking they’ll actually find anything valuable? Not many, I’d reason to guess. Adventurers like these are expecting to find something, whether that be treasure, gold, or maybe sometimes simply the thrill of the journey. Are you similarly expectant when you open God’s Word? If you’re approaching Scripture as just something to be dutifully checked off your list for the day, you’re taking the wrong approach. Be expectant! Open the pages of the Bible with an expectant heart and spirit. Expect God to meet you there! Invite the Holy Spirit in, and He WILL meet you there and uncover treasures, riches, insights, wisdom and understanding in abundance. 

I’m guessing you can think of additional comparisons between searching for treasure and seeking godly wisdom. These are the commonalities that immediately came to my mind, but I’m sure there are more! As you set out on your journey to discover the excitement of adventuring into the Word of God, don’t forget to celebrate along the way. No treasure hunter finds what she was looking for and proceeds to shrug her shoulders and casually move on. Not a chance! She celebrates! When God blesses you with wisdom and insight from His Word, celebrate! Praise Him! Thank Him! Be encouraged! And keep on hunting for more.