Okay, the Lord reminded me of something uber practical just yesterday. What our eyes look at—matters. Thinking on this idea, I wonder if the same verse pops into your mind as did mine…
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. -Hebrews 12:1-2
We are called to fix our eyes on Jesus! Sounds easy enough, right? Let’s take a minute today to get practical about that idea. How do we really fix our eyes on Jesus? We can approach this question from both a figurative and literal perspective. Figuratively, we can fix our eyes on Jesus by keeping Him our top priority. We can also fix our eyes on Jesus by looking to Him for wisdom and guidance, by choosing to study and learn His Word, and so much more.
But let’s think about the literal side of things… How can you literally fix your actual eyeballs on Jesus? This is important to think about because what our eyes physically see is of utmost importance. Our eyes are our bodies’ windows! What we look at seeps into our hearts and souls. Have you stopped to think about that before? If you’re watching a movie or show that’s not God honoring, the content of that program is getting into your soul. If you’re spending hours every day scrolling through social media, that’s the content you’re putting into your spirit.
Of course, the opposite is true, too. Ugh, I was so mad at myself the other day…. I had a little chunk of time before bed, and I wanted to read the next chapter of a book I just started reading called “The God of the Garden,” by Andrew Peterson. But I was scrolling on Instagram, and I just kept scrolling. By the time I finally went to sleep, I’d spent an HOUR scrolling…. I didn’t read any of the book, and I went to bed way later than I should have. When I woke up the next morning, a little more tired than I should have been, I thought about what a waste that hour was. My eyes could have been reading something that would have taught me more about God! But instead, they looked at Instagram for an hour, and that’s what I was putting into my spirit, heart and mind before I went to bed.
The Bible does not understate the importance of what we’re looking at. Check out these two verses:
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” -Matthew 6:22
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. -Ephesians 1:18-19
Did you catch that? Your heart has eyes! If that doesn’t convince you of the connection between what you SEE and the contents of your heart, then I don’t know what will. Your eyes are the lamp of your body. If your eyes are looking at healthy, encouraging, God honoring things, then your whole body will be full of light. What a convicting thought.
So stop for a minute, and grab a post-it note or a piece of scratch paper. Take some moments to figure out and write down the five things you look at most on a daily basis. What are your main views? A computer screen? Your phone? The view just past the steering wheel in your car? The wall in your laundry room or above your kitchen sink? A certain mirror? A TV screen? The wall of a cubicle? Figure out the five places where you literally look most.
Got them? Now, figure out a way to bring Jesus into those five views. Maybe it’s a post-it note with a Bible verse on it that you can stick on a mirror or wall. Maybe you could tape a little piece of paper with encouragement from Jesus on your steering wheel. Maybe you need to make the background on your phone or computer screen some words from the Lord. Or maybe you need to get on Etsy or Amazon and find a little decorative wood block with a Scripture verse to set next to your sink or in your laundry room. (Bonus, it’s easy to find places that customize little wood blocks with the exact words you request!) If the view out your car’s front windshield is one of your top five, it might be as easy as sticking a little dove sticker in the corner of your dashboard to remind you to stay in tune with the Holy Spirit.
And it’s as simple as that. What are your eyes looking at all day long? Are they seeing the Word of God? Are they seeing reminders of God’s character and His love and care for you? Or are they looking at worldly content more than anything else? What’s the first thing your eyes look at when you wake up in the morning? What about the last thing before you go to sleep at night? As I heard a pastor say once, it’s hard to have a bad day that starts and ends with God. Let’s extend that on out… It’s hard to have a bad day when your eyes are seeing Jesus (or reminders of Him and His Word) multiple times throughout the day. If your eyes are fixed on Jesus—literally!—your body will be full of light, and you will know the hope to which He has called you.