A Plan for When You See Trouble on the Horizon Trouble comes in many forms. In our lives on earth, trouble may surface as loss. It might be the loss of a job, a friendship, a loved one, a treasured possession, a certain status or a reputation. Other times, trouble shows itself as conflict. Have…
Category: Christian Living
God’s Plan for His “Gathered” People, Including You
God’s Plan for His “Gathered” People, Including You Consequences and penalties in many areas of life come in the form of isolation. Have you ever stopped to think about that? When you were little, you may have been sent to your room or to an isolated corner of the house for a “time out” as…
The Powerful Perks of Staying Close to Jesus
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. You’ve heard the saying, I’m sure. Has it held true for you? Maybe sometimes yes and sometimes no? Here’s a funny example of this from my file of teacher stories. In my very first year of teaching, of course I had that one student who caused me plenty of…
How to Stay Aware of God’s Goodness in Your Life
How to Stay Aware of God’s Goodness in Your Life A quick reminder today that everything you have comes from God. Everything! I love this passage from Deuteronomy that provides such a powerful reminder of God’s goodness and provision. The words are being spoken by Moses, who is nearing the end of his life and…
The “Snapshot Question” to Help Realign Your Heart
Midquarter grades! Did you receive those when you were in school? At the school where I teach, we mail them out in the middle of each quarter to give parents a snapshot of how their students’ grades look halfway through the grading period. Midquarter grade reports often provide just the motivation that might be needed…
How to Keep Your Eyes Actually Focused on Jesus
Okay, the Lord reminded me of something uber practical just yesterday. What our eyes look at—matters. Thinking on this idea, I wonder if the same verse pops into your mind as did mine… And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of…
Five Different Kinds of Friends You Might Need
Five Different Kinds of Friends You Might Need Author Kristin Hannah has a theme in several of her books—female friendship. I just finished reading “The Women,” her latest release, and it was wonderful. “The Women” tells the story of Frankie, a young nurse who served in the Vietnam War. When she returns back home, she…
A Challenge to Get Into the Action
A Challenge to Get Into the Action One of my favorite basketball players, a former student whose family has become like family to me over the years, is a competitor to his core. I love watching him play and have watched hundreds of his games in the past 10+ years. One thing I love about…
How God Wants You to Show Your Love for Him
How God Wants You to Show Your Love for Him Five different love languages are written about in a book by Gary Chapman. The book discusses different ways that people prefer to give love and receive love. The languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service and receiving gifts. Chapman originally…
The Danger of Being on the Fence About Jesus
The Danger of Being on the Fence About Jesus It’s confession time! So I was at a coffee shop a couple weeks ago, and I sat down with a mission—to watch one specific sermon from a pastor who I love learning from. Coffee shops are my favorite place to go where I can get away…