A Fellowship of Believers

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Christian Living 46
God's Character 3
In the Word 16
Mindset Switch 4
People of the Bible 3
Reaching Others 5
Songs 7
Weariness and Suffering 6
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A Mindset Switch About… How to Deal With Past Mistakes
If you glance at the book of Leviticus, you’ll see it starts off with a bang. Here are the section headings...
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The Powerful Pros of Writing Things Down
When I stop and think about how powerful written words are, it’s really quite astounding. To me, anyway!...
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A Challenge to Follow Jesus' Example of Solitude
How often do you get away from the hustle and bustle of life? No matter what life season you’re in, you’re...
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A Verse for When… Your Life Feels Stuck and Small
Feeling “closed in” can happen in many different ways. You might feel stuck in a certain job or relationship....
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The Easy Way to Tell People About Jesus
The simple phrase “sharing the gospel” can be intimidating. Words like witnessing and evangelizing sometimes...
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Shunammite Woman: The Unexpected Returns of Pure Generosity
Embedded into 2 Kings is a story about a well-to-do woman from Shunem, often known as “the Shunammite...
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How to Set a Christlike Example Under Pressure
One of my favorite sports events of this past summer was the NBA playoffs. I keep up with the NBA loosely,...
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A Mindset Switch About… How to Think About Death
We all have fears. Some more common, like fear of spiders, small spaces, or even clowns. Some of our...
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When to Care About What Other People Think
One thing I often struggle with is being too worried about what other people think about me. In fact,...
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Seeing Obedience in a Whole New Light
The word obedience doesn’t immediately fill me with happy, joyful thoughts. What about you? When I think...
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Practical Ways to Block Out the World's Distractions
My parents don’t watch much TV, but when they do, they enjoy the entertainment value of commercials right...
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A Song for When… Life is Hard and Painful
The Christian life is not one free from trouble, pain, struggle, heartbreak and emptiness. Once a person...
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Jesus' Parting Words: The Challenge of a Lifetime
Are any of these famous last words from well known movies familiar to you?I have been, and always shall...
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10 Options for Studying the Bible in a Meaningful Way
There are so many different ways to study and learn from the Bible. Are you just now starting to spend...
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A Verse For When… Stepping Out in Faith Feels Scary
Have you ever received an instruction or mission from God? You could just tell, without a doubt, that...
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The Power of Starting and Finishing Each Day Strong
What are some times when it’s really important to start strong and finish strong? The first thing that...
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A Mindset Switch About… Your Value and Worth
If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for any length of time, you’ve most likely heard of King David. Although...
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John the Baptist: A Life of Focus, Mission and Purpose
I mean, why not do a character study on the guy who wore camel’s hair and ate locusts, right? John the...
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10 Ways to Take an Easy Step Toward God
Have you ever faced a seemingly insurmountable task? …something that just felt impossible? Maybe it was...
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How to be The One Who Makes a Difference
There’s always one. Right? There’s always that one coworker who’s difficult to get along with, that one...
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A Song for When… You Want Peace and Unity
A big picture look at the world today doesn’t necessarily radiate immediate vibes of peace, unity and...
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10 Pieces of Good News You Need to Hear
AAA and I are very close friends. Flat tires, dead batteries, a stolen catalytic converter, a dead starter…...
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A Reflection on the Leadership of Your Life
Who or what leads your life? When you make decisions, what is your underlying motive?  A leader is such...
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How to Bring the Fun to Your Faith Life
Living a life in relationship with God is not just about following rules. I wonder if one misconception...
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Helpful Hints and Reminders About Asking God for Help
What does it take for you to ask for help? If I let my pride and my desire to be self-sufficient take...
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A Verse for When… You Can't Make a Decision
So often in this 21st Century, we have a plethora of options to choose from. When you’re at Chipotle...
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Five Faith Traditions to Think About Starting
Five Faith Traditions to Think About Starting Traditions. I absolutely LOVE them! Traditions with family...
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A Plan for When You See Trouble on the Horizon
A Plan for When You See Trouble on the Horizon Trouble comes in many forms. In our lives on earth, trouble...
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A Song for When… You Want to be All Things for All People
A Song for When… You Want to be All Things for All People Be careful how you live; you may be the...
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How the Bible Changes When You Know the Author
How the Bible Changes When You Know the Author I joined a book club for the first time a couple years...
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What I Learned From the "Boring" Parts of the Bible
What I Learned From the “Boring” Parts of the Bible For anybody who’s completed (or attempted?)...
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God's Plan for His "Gathered" People, Including You
God’s Plan for His “Gathered” People, Including You Consequences and penalties in many...
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A Mindset Switch About… Good Works, Effort and Eternity
A Mindset Switch About… Good Works, Effort and Eternity Throughout Jesus’ public ministry, He taught...
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The Powerful Perks of Staying Close to Jesus
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. You’ve heard the saying, I’m sure. Has it held true for you? Maybe...
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A Verse For When… You Need a Sense of Security
A Verse For When… You Need a Sense of Security Do you ever just need to be reassured that God has...
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How to Stay Aware of God's Goodness in Your Life
How to Stay Aware of God’s Goodness in Your Life A quick reminder today that everything you have...
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Nicodemus: It's Never Too Late to Turn to Jesus
Nicodemus: It’s Never Too Late To Turn To Jesus If you’ve ever felt like it’s too late to turn...
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The "Snapshot Question" to Help Realign Your Heart
Midquarter grades! Did you receive those when you were in school? At the school where I teach, we mail...
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Recognizing God as God When Life is Hard and Painful
How do you know that the Lord is GOD? Like, truly. What moments in your life help to solidify that truth...
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How to Keep Your Eyes Actually Focused on Jesus
Okay, the Lord reminded me of something uber practical just yesterday. What our eyes look at—matters....
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Five Different Kinds of Friends You Might Need
Five Different Kinds of Friends You Might Need Author Kristin Hannah has a theme in several of her books—female...
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A Challenge to Get Into the Action
A Challenge to Get Into the Action One of my favorite basketball players, a former student whose family...
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A Song for When… You Want to Follow Jesus
Sometimes I listen to an entire song just for one particular verse, chorus or bridge that I love. There...
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How God Wants You to Show Your Love for Him
How God Wants You to Show Your Love for Him Five different love languages are written about in a book...
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The Danger of Being on the Fence About Jesus
The Danger of Being on the Fence About Jesus It’s confession time! So I was at a coffee shop a couple...
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God: The Ultimate Room of Requirement, No Wizardry Needed
God: The Ultimate Room of Requirement, No Wizardry Needed Okay, I’m only a couple decades behind the...
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The Powerful, Hidden Benefits of a Shared Meal
The Powerful, Hidden Benefits of a Shared Meal I was reminded the other day of how powerful FOOD can...
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How to Identify Yourself as a Disciple of Jesus
How to Identify Yourself as a Disciple of Jesus Here in Kansas City, or Chiefs Kingdom, as it is often...
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25 Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Connected to Jesus
25 Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Connected to Jesus Anyone who’s somewhat familiar with the Bible has probably...
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How to Stand Strong When Life Gets Stormy
How to Stand Strong When Life Gets Stormy A dear loved one of mine died unexpectedly last week. More...
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A Verse for When… Someone You Love is Far From God
A Verse For When… Someone You Love is Far From God I had one of those moments the other day when...
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The Unchanging God in an Unpredictable World
The Unchanging God in an Unpredictable World Well, I filled out my March Madness bracket a few weeks...
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Every Time is the Right Time to Share the Gospel
Every Time is the Right Time to Share the Gospel I have an especially low sense of urgency with a couple...
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What the Bible Says About New Beginnings
What the Bible Says About New Beginnings There’s just something about a brand new, fresh start. Right?...
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How to Handle the Emotional Ups and Downs of Life
How to Handle the Emotional Ups and Downs of Life If you haven’t read the books of Ezra and Nehemiah,...
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A Verse for When… You Need God's Peace
A Verse for When… You Need God’s Peace PERFECT PEACE. Can you imagine it? Peace feels like...
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A Prayer That will Change Your Heart and Desires
A Prayer That will Change Your Heart and Desires The dark chocolate hot chocolate from Caribou Coffee...
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The Bible's Wisdom on How to Make Decisions
The Bible’s Wisdom on How to Make Decisions Not far from where I live in downtown Kansas City,...
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People are Just People, Made and Loved by God
People are Just People, Made and Loved by God For the first eight years of my teaching career, I taught...
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Practical Steps to Help Protect Your Heart
How are you carefully guarding your heart? The Bible says everything you do flows from your heart. That...
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Why and How to Meet God in the Great Outdoors
Spending time in nature can help us feel closer to God, and it should move us to praise Him! Here are...
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3 Powerful Ways to Encourage and Celebrate
Three Powerful Ways to Encourage and Celebrate When I moved to Kansas City 16 years ago, I became a...
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How to Share the Gospel With More Impact
How to Share the Gospel With More Impact In a school, walk through the halls and listen in on teachers’...
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A Song for When... You Want God to Direct You
A Song for When… You Want God to Direct You When I think about staying within God’s sovereign will...
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Breaking Free From the Crushing Grip of Excuses
Breaking Free From the Crushing Grip of Excuses It’s so easy to make excuses when things don’t go your...
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The Powerful, Hidden Influence of People Around You
The Powerful, Hidden Influence of People Around You One of my work colleagues sends very formal emails—always,...
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How my Bible Turned Into my Dearest Treasure
How my Bible Turned Into my Dearest Treasure I’ve always been a reader. When I was younger, I read through...
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The Reminder You Need About Past Mistakes
The Reminder You Need About Past Mistakes Any basketball fans out there? I’m a big one! I’ll spare you...
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What to Do When You Need a Spiritual Recharge
What to Do When You Need a Spiritual Recharge At the risk of offending somebody reading this, I must...
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Three Helpful Ways to Check Your Priorities
Three Helpful Ways to Check Your Priorities I’m reading through the book of Ezekiel right now, and today...
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A Verse for When... You Need a Good Travel Companion
A Verse for When… You Need a Good Travel Companion Where are my fellow travel lovers?! There’s...
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One Simple Idea for Building Your Prayer Life
One Simple Idea for Building Your Prayer Life 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says believers should “pray continually.”...
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A Song for When... You Want to Try Something New
A Song for When… You Want to Try Something New If you’ve ever experienced a life season where you’re...
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An Important Prayer for People Far From God
An Important Prayer for People Far From God Still thinking about the heart over here! Do you pray regularly...
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How to Test the Contents of Your Heart
How to Test the Contents of Your Heart I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the heart. The Bible says,...
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A Life Hack for Stopping the Sneaky Slide into Sin
A Life Hack for Stopping the Sneaky Slide Into Sin For myself and all of my fellow teachers out there…...
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The Plan You Need to Recover From Life’s Little Failures
The Plan You Need to Recover From Life’s Little Failures As a born and bred Nebraskan, I am a Husker...
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One Question That Can Change Your Perspective
One Question That Can Change Your Perspective As a high schooler, my first official part-time job was...
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How To Live Differently As A Citizen Of Heaven
How To Live Differently As A Citizen Of Heaven As someone born into American citizenship, I admittedly...
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The Powerful Difference One Word Makes in a Bible Verse
The Powerful Difference One Word Makes in a Bible Verse My mind was blown when I read ONE WORD differently...
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Six Simple Steps to Help you Hear More From God
Six Simple Steps to Help you Hear More From God I started a new spiritual routine in January of 2023,...
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What to do When Your Life Feels Dark
What to do When Your Life Feels Dark As a single female, I try to avoid walking outside at night by myself....
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Advice for How to See and Respond to God's Favor
Advice for How to See and Respond to God’s Favor Have you ever considered the connection between...
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A Prayer for the Traveler Seeking Better Spiritual Discipline
A Prayer for the Traveler Seeking Better Spiritual Discipline Do you ever get frustrated with your progress,...
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A Song for When… You’re Trying to Decide the Next Best Step to Take
A Song for When… You’re Trying to Decide the Next Best Step to Take When I find a song I love,...
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My Biggest Lesson Learned About God's Love from Abraham’s Instagram Feed
My Biggest Lesson Learned About God’s Love From Abraham’s Instagram Feed So I was on the...
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A Verse for When... Life's Little Letdowns are Piling Up
A Verse for When… Life’s Little Letdowns are Piling Up I found a verse I LOVED the other...
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How an Unusual Building in Lisbon Helped me see Inner Beauty in a New Way
How an Unusual Building in Lisbon Helped me see Inner Beauty in a New Way I was in Lisbon, Portugal with...
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We Love Making Travel Bucket Lists, Why Not Spiritual Ones?
We Love Making Travel Bucket Lists, Why Not Spiritual Ones? Do you have a bucket list? My closest childhood...
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What Hallmark Movies Taught me About Life as a Christian
What Hallmark Movies Taught me About Life as a Christian Anybody out there love Hallmark movies? Or is...
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