A Fellowship of Believers

Advice for How to See and Respond to God's Favor

Have you ever considered the connection between favor and service? First of all, we might as well establish that to some extent, each person on earth lives in the favor of God every single day. He wakes us up and puts air in our lungs. That is a gift from above! In addition, more than likely, most people reading this blog post have electricity (are you reading this on a charged up phone? or computer?), food and shelter. Thank you, God!

But there are moments and seasons of life when you might experience the favor of God at a level that just feels ridiculously abundant. Maybe you got a bonus at work that you weren’t expecting, or you are healed from a serious illness. Maybe you’re in a stretch of days where everything just seems to be going right! Or perhaps you started a new job or education path that’s finally the perfect match for your passions and talents. 

Whatever kind of favor you’re blessed with, challenge yourself to turn that favor into service for God in some way. There are a couple times in Scripture where I’ve noticed that someone uses favor for service.

  • Mary! Luke 1:30 says that the angel said to young Mary, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.” Then just a few verses later, Scripture says, “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May it be to me as you have said’” (Luke 1:38). Mary was blessed, and she did not just recognize God’s favor and sit in it. She took action! She surrendered herself in humble obedience and committed to serving God by carrying, birthing and raising His precious son.
  • Peter’s mother-in-law! In the Gospel of Mark, there’s a quick line—blink and you miss it!—that illustrates another example of turning favor into service. “The fever left her and she began to wait on them” (Mark 1:31b). As soon as she was healed, she began serving! She didn’t relish in the favor shown to her and take a week to just treat herself or regain her strength. She immediately looked for a way to be helpful and hospitable.
  • Ruth! The book of Ruth tells the captivating story of a Ruth, Jewish widow whose life was a tangled masterpiece of favor from God, and her servanthood toward her mother-in-law, Naomi, and the man who rescued them both. Ruth chose to serve her mother-in-law through her presence and loyalty even after her husband died, and God blessed them with His favor. Later, Ruth presented herself as a servant to a potential kinsman-redeemer, saying, “I am your servant, Ruth” (Ruth 3:9). In response, Boaz committed himself to Ruth and Naomi, ensuring them a life of security, protection and provision.

How can you take the favor God has bestowed upon you and turn it into service for Him? Or on the flip side, how can you actively seek to serve God and others and then watch for His favor? Are you willing to pray about this? 

Mary made a one-time decision that changed the course of her life. Is that in God’s plan for you? Peter’s mother-in-law, on the other hand, showed the example of what was perhaps a one-time “transaction” of sorts. So maybe for you it’s as simple as designating a portion of that unexpected work bonus as a charitable gift to your church or an organization in your community. For Ruth, it was a continuous way of life. Is God calling you to make some daily choices that reflect a humble heart of service? If so, will you trust Him to then bless, protect and provide for you in His abundant favor? 

Remember, it’s not about serving in order to earn or increase favor from God. If that’s your heart motive, then you’re going about things in a backwards way. But when your heart is in the right place, I just wonder what kinds of incredible connections between favor and service you’ll recognize in your life. Pray for God to give you eyes to see Him at work!