A Fellowship of Believers

A Song for When… You Want to Follow Jesus

Sometimes I listen to an entire song just for one particular verse, chorus or bridge that I love. There might even be one single line that resonates in my heart, and I’ll listen to the song over and over simply to hear, sing and meditate on that one line! Of course, that doesn’t mean the rest of the song isn’t amazing, it just means that in whatever season I’m in at the moment, that one part feels especially meaningful. 

The new album from Passion, “Call on Heaven,” was released in early March, and while many of the songs were already familiar when I listened through it for the first time, a few were fresh and new for me. The song “Follow” caught my attention right away, and it was the simple yet powerful chorus that cut straight to the center of my heart. 

What a joy it is to follow Jesus … What a gift it is to bear His name … What an honor to choose surrender … And make Him my everything

I know I have the tendency to sometimes view my surrender to Jesus as more of a chore than an honor. Bearing His holy name might feel like more of a struggle than a gift. And do I stay focused on what a joy it is to follow Jesus? Nope, walking a path of obedience to the Savior can be more of an inconvenience than a joy at times. Do you relate at all? Maybe just a little bit?

Here’s a quick example. I’m a music girl! I’ve always loved to sing and play the piano. I also played trumpet throughout college, including in the Cornhusker Marching Band, which was one of the most fun experiences of my life. I actually got a music minor in college, mostly because I felt like I owed it to myself to do something more with the musical gifts God gave me, but I knew I wasn’t quite talented enough to make an entire living through music. So naturally, I love serving through my church’s music ministry! I sing in the choir and also play in the handbell choir. Both ensembles practice every Wednesday evening, and although I truly love the weekly rehearsals once I’m there, the process of actually getting there can be a struggle. By the time I get home from work on Wednesdays, usually sometime between 4-5 p.m., I have about an hour, sometimes a little less, before I need to be back on the road and heading in the opposite direction toward church. And to be perfectly honest, once I’ve experienced that sweet feeling of collapsing on the couch in comfy clothes at the completion of a work day, it can be hard to get back up and going again… Especially in the winter when it’s cold and already dark outside. 

Obviously my complaining here is quite trivial. But I narrate it in detail to show how easy it can be to take something that should be viewed as an honor and let my mind view it as more of a chore. Serving my church through music is such a special opportunity I have to bear the name of Jesus—each Wednesday night, as I play, sing and interact with my fellow musicians, and of course on Sunday mornings, as I get to play a small part in helping usher the congregation into the presence of Jesus! 

The chorus of “Follow” is a powerful reminder of what a joy, gift and honor it is to live a life of surrender to the Lord. And as I envision Jesus watching me put my shoes on, grab my purse and drive to bells and choir rehearsals, I should envision Him with a huge smile on His face! He doesn’t want me to feel bogged down by following Him and carrying His light into the world. When I let my discipleship become trivially burdensome in any way, I am choosing to rob myself of the joy that should come with chasing after Jesus. 

While it’s mostly the chorus that speaks so personally to me in “Follow” by Passion, the bridge gets me, too. 

Yes to surrender … Yes to the altar … Yes to Your plans for me … Yes to correction … Yes to confession … Yes to refining me (Oh, and) … Yes to Your blessing … Yes to anointing … Your Spirit alive in me (And) … Yes to salvation … And resurrection … Yes to eternity

Are you saying YES to Jesus? To everyyy part of following Him—even the parts that aren’t as fun? Are you saying YES to correction? confession? refining? surrender? Giving up control, admitting our shortcomings, and being open to correction… None of those things are natural or easy for most of us. But saying YES to the harder things paves the way for your YES to the blessings! When you’ve lifted your hands in surrender and followed Jesus down roads of correction, confession and refining, I’m confident your YES to blessing, anointing, salvation, resurrection and eternity will feel even more exciting and fulfilling. 

I might start reciting or singing the bridge of this song each morning as I walk out the door, just to remind myself that as my day goes along, I will say YES to any of these things that might come my way. Would it help you to start a similar morning routine? These precious lyrics resound in my heart as a call to live the Jesus way! I want to say YES to Him in any way I can! What a joy it is to follow Jesus. What a gift it is to bear His name. What an honor to choose surrender and make Him my everything. Thank you, Lord!