Christian songs provide such a special way to praise and worship God. Music can set the atmosphere and usher us into the holy presence of Jesus. There’s just something about a room, car or even headphones/airpods filled with the sound of worship. It prepares our hearts and emotions and sets our focus on Him.
Songs can also provide words for us as we pray. As you sing, you are saying/praying words in communication with God. Lyrics provide us with the words we need! Sometimes my communication with God flows quickly and naturally. But other times, if it’s been a long day or if I’m in the middle of an especially difficult season, it’s more of a struggle to come up with words to say. In those instances, songs can help me speak to the Lord. All I have to do is just sing along, and my words reach His ears.
I heard a song recently that is helpful in another way. This song beautifully retells the story of how Jesus brings believers from darkness into the light. As I sang it, I just loved the way it helped remind me of God’s story of redemption that stretches across time—right into my very own life. The song is called “King of Kings,” by Brooke Ligertwood and Hillsong Worship.
It starts by painting a word picture of our human depravity and helplessness, and it reminds us of the first step in His plan to save us and bring us back to Himself. It says:
In the darkness we were waiting … Without hope, without light … ‘Til from Heaven You came running … There was mercy in Your eyes … To fulfill the law and prophets … To a virgin came the word … From a throne of endless glory … To a cradle in the dirt
The next verse tells reason after reason for Jesus’ sacrificial death. The first thing we usually think about is the incredible fact that Jesus’ death makes a way for us to live eternally with Him! But abundant life in Christ isn’t just about going to heaven one day. Read this verse:
To reveal the kingdom coming … And to reconcile the lost … To redeem the whole creation … You did not despise the cross … For even in your suffering … You saw to the other side … Knowing this was our salvation … Jesus for our sake you died
Next, I promise your adrenaline will get going as you sing a verse all about Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and what that glorious day might have been like. Can you even imagine?! This verse will help you in the most beautiful way:
And the morning that You rose … All of Heaven held its breath … ‘Til that stone was moved for good … For the Lamb had conquered death … And the dead rose from their tombs … And the angels stood in awe … For the souls of all who’d come … To the Father are restored
Okay, now the final verse is my favorite. It ushers the singer/listener into present day, as the lyrics speak magnificently about the power of the gospel story in our everyday lives right now, in 2025. I love how it paints the Truth in such POWER. As Ligertwood sings this verse, the intensity and volume of the song rises, and I get goosebumps every time! Take a minute to read and savor these lyrics:
And the church of Christ was born … Then the Spirit lit the flame … Now this gospel truth of old … Shall not kneel, shall not faint … By His blood and in His name … In His freedom I am free … For the love of Jesus Christ … Who has resurrected me
What a story this song tells! And I didn’t even say anything yet about the chorus stanzas in between each verse. They use words of praise to direct our attention to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Praise to the King of Kings! Whenever I listen to “King of Kings,” my heart and mind go back through the story of how God reached down to save me. His plan of salvation, which is still in motion today, might be familiar to you. In fact, it might be a story you’ve heard or read hundreds of times. But this is one story you cannot retell yourself too many times. Jesus deserves our constant gratitude, praise and worship because of what He did for us, and by a song like “King of Kings” can guide you again and again through the timeless thread of redemption that’s woven throughout history. We need constant reminders that we are broken and lost without Jesus. Why? Then we are reminded not only of our dependence on Him for everything, but also of His love, power, mercy and grace.
Let me caution you—don’t listen to this song right before you’re scheduled to give a presentation or show your face on a Zoom meeting! It might wreck you in the best possible way. Listen to it when you’re on a road trip just singing and worshipping, or listen to it in the quiet of the night when you need encouragement. Listen to it when you’re feeling especially hopeful and want to reflect on the goodness of God. He is the King of Kings, worthy of all our glory and praise. Praise forever to the King of Kings!!