A Fellowship of Believers

A Prayer for the Traveler Seeking Better Spiritual Discipline

Do you ever get frustrated with your progress, or lack thereof, when it comes to your walk with the Lord? I definitely do. There’s one thing that consistently reminds me of my imperfect human nature–what happens when I’m out of my regular daily routine. 

When I’m in my regular daily routine, I have a system. I have established habits that draw me closer to Jesus and keep Him near throughout the day–most days, the best I can anyway. For example, I spend some time praying while I’m on the elliptical early in the mornings before work, and I listen to encouraging Christian podcasts while I get ready to leave the house. Once I’m at work, I have a great little time block without students at the start of the day, and that’s when I typically read the Word and do my daily Bible study lesson. On my way home at the end of the day, I listen to the daily Scripture reading that coincides with a one-year chronological Bible reading plan.

But what happens when it’s not a regular work day? Most noticeably, I’ve observed my patterns when I’m away from home, and I always get a bit discouraged when I take stock of my spiritual disciplines “in the wild,” if you will. Interruptions from routine expose my priorities! For example, when I was in Lisbon for several days this past fall, I don’t think I opened my Bible app one time. I do remember talking to God in prayer as my friend and I navigated the adventures of our trip, but I wish I was hungry and disciplined enough to not even be able to get through a day without at least a few minutes in the Word of God. 

2 Timothy 4:7 says, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” This verse encourages and reminds me that God gives me the power to be self-disciplined, and I’m working on that. One of my spiritual goals for 2024 is to read my Bible every day–even if I’m off gallivanting around the world somewhere. I am praying for discipline and for a hunger for the Word that literally disrupts my day until it’s been satisfied. Of course, a Bible app is the perfect travel companion! It doesn’t add any weight to your luggage, and it doesn’t take up any extra space, either. Same with the Christian podcasts I enjoy! Technology can be such a gift, right?

For me, I think a physical reminder will be especially useful, though. Something extra and tangible that I can see. I plan to find and use a small paperback devotional–not too thick space-wise. Something I can easily place between two shirts piled inside of my suitcase. So when I get to wherever I may be traveling to, I can set it out right by my bed. A tangible presence prompting me to get into the Word every single day–whether I’m in Kansas City, Nebraska, visiting my friend in Colorado, or maybe on an adventure out of the country. 

How do your spiritual disciplines fare “in the wild?” When you’re out of your comfort zone and routine, what priorities are exposed? If you’re like me, this may be an area with some serious growth potential. I’m so thankful for God’s abundant grace. He’s not up in Heaven keeping track of how many times I open the Word, He’s just there and ready to meet me whenever I do. Can we embrace this growth challenge together?! Let’s do it! I’ll keep you updated on my progress, and I’d love for you to do the same.

Here’s a prayer to pray before setting off on your next adventure (or before stepping into some days when you know you’ll be out of your regular routine): 

God, I love your holy and living Word. Thank you for the gift of Scripture and how its unchanging truths stay relevant and applicable. Increase my joy for reading the Bible, and increase my hunger for it, too! When I wake up each morning, would you let there be hunger pangs in my heart and mind until I have opened Your Word. May my  days feel incomplete and out-of-whack until I have met with You through Scripture. I love you! Amen.