A Fellowship of Believers

A Mindset Switch About… How God’s Rules Make You Feel

I can still remember that feeling in my stomach when I first saw those red and blue flashing lights in my rearview mirror as a 16-year-old driver. It wasn’t a great feeling! I was so annoyed with myself because I wasn’t even in a hurry. I was just singing along to the radio and accidentally accelerated right on past the speed limit. …14 miles past the speed limit, to be specific. It’s still burned into my memory! Perhaps for many of us, an experience like that at a young age puts the law into a more negative light in our minds. The law and its enforcers might even seem scary. Unfortunately, due to a lead foot problem, I had a few experiences with those red and blue flashing lights in my first several years of driving, and the feeling in the pit of my stomach never got any better when I saw those lights in my rearview mirror. 

Although it feels natural to pair police lights with negative feelings, rules and laws can and should actually have the opposite effect. When you know exactly what is allowed and not allowed, then it’s easy to act within those clearly defined guidelines. When the rules are ambiguous and hard to interpret, on the other hand, there can be increased levels of stress, anxiety and uncertainty. Are you following the rules correctly, or not? It may be difficult to tell.

I had this happen at school one year when the phone rules for students were somewhat unclear and inconsistent. Ultimately, there was no super clear direction from top leaders, so each teacher did as he/she saw fit in each classroom. I chose to let students use their phones to listen to music while they worked on assignments during my class, which worked out great for me, but I was always slightly unsure of whether or not this was okay. So there were days when I knew that administrators were making the rounds doing teacher observations, and I was a little nervous about how my administrators would react to the phones being used in my classroom if they came in to evaluate me. It all came down to an unclear rule. What was the actual expectation? Nobody really knew for sure, so nobody really knew whether or not they were meeting the expectation correctly. 

This year, however, things changed! My school decided to officially become a phone-free campus. The technology rule was clearly established at the start of the year, and it was explained with overabundant clarity to parents, students and teachers. If a teacher saw any non-school-issued technology, it would be confiscated immediately and turned over to security, and a parent would need to come pick it up. No warnings, no exceptions! 

Although the rule became stricter (to most students’ dismay), it also became clearer. There is no longer any wiggle room! Thankfully, a benefit of the clearly defined rule is my own peace of mind. I know what’s expected of me, so I don’t have to wonder or worry about whether or not I’m following the rule correctly. With this peace comes freedom. I’ve been freed from ambiguity, freed from worry, and freed from students’ inability to follow the previous inconsistent expectation. Everybody is on the exact same page, and our whole school is a more peaceful place because of it. 

In the Bible, James talks about the freedom that comes as a byproduct of God’s law. He says: 

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. -James 1:22-25, emphasis added

And one chapter later: 

Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. -James 2:12-13, emphasis added

In His Word, God provides clear guidelines for us to follow. By studying the pages of the Bible, we discover what is right and wrong in His Kingdom, and we see clearly how God desires for us to act. Does that feel restrictive and constraining at times? Sure. But the beautiful, freeing thing is that we never have to wonder. 

Have you ever wondered something like this… Hmmm since I’ve already forgiven that friend numerous times over the years, is it technically okay for me to not forgive her this time? Maybe that would help teach her a lesson about how to treat people! It might actually be more helpful for me not to forgive this time. But then what if that gets me in trouble with God? Withholding forgiveness in this specific instance feels like the right thing to do, but I wonder if that’s what God would want me to do. 

If you’ve had thoughts like this, congrats, you’re human! And you’re not alone. But in times like these, you don’t have to wonder. The Bible provides thorough direction and guidance. For this particular scenario, God’s directions are to forgive. 

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. -Ephesians 4:32

The mere presence of God’s law does not mean that following His instructions is always easy and pleasant. But even when following a rule is challenging, as long as the rule aligns with God’s Word, there’s no denying that the mere presence of that rule offers peace, calm and freedom. When I got pulled over for speeding, there was no denying that I’d broken the law. I didn’t have to worry about a stressful, unknown interaction with the police officer when I rolled down my window because we both knew I was clearly in the wrong. So while I didn’t enjoy paying the fine that came along with my ticket, I didn’t leave that situation feeling bound. Rules bring freedom because they provide clear guidelines, which provide peace of mind. So if you’ve been feeling confined and restricted by the Bible, switch around that mindset. Choose, instead, to be thankful for God’s unambiguous directives for living a godly life. 

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. -Psalm 19:7-8