Did you know there are a few books of the Bible that only have one chapter? Jude is one of them! Tucked in right before the book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament, Jude is 25 verses in its entirety. But they are a power-packed 25 verses, if I do say so myself!
The first time I spent time carefully reading and considering the book of Jude, I took special interest in the word kept, or keep, which is used three different times within the short letter written to an unidentified group of Christians. Two of these instances refer to something Jesus is doing, and they bookend Jude.
To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1b-2, emphasis added
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen. -Jude 24-25, emphasis added
I just love thinking about Jesus keeping me! …and more specifically, keeping me from stumbling. As I consider the mighty, majestic, powerful, reigning JESUS, and then compare Him to myself, I know for sure that that is somebody I want to be kept by. Don’t pass me off to any earthly ruler or any imperfect human at all. If I’m going to be kept by somebody, I want it to be Jesus. I want Him to be the one who keeps me moving toward Him.
In these two verses above, Jesus is keeping believers in His possession, and He is keeping them from stumbling. Such sweet offerings from our Lord! Of course, it got me thinking about what else God keeps for me. How else does He keep me safe in His arms? How does He keep me maturing, growing, and advancing in my Christian faith? I’m sure you know what’s coming… I sure did search through Scripture to see what else it says that God keeps, and I’d love to share some of my findings with you.
Why care about these verses? When I spend time thinking about how God keeps me and what He keeps for me, it gives me a clearer picture of who He is and what He’s doing in my life. God’s not just sitting up on His throne watching us struggle to keep our heads above water down here on earth. He is actively involved in the lives of His children. And while a statement like that is easy to rattle off, what does it actually mean? Well, it means a lot of things! It would be impossible to capture all of God’s activity in the lives of believers in one simple blog post, but studying what the Bible says about what God keeps is a small start.
Look through that list again… He keeps you safe, and He keeps you away from sin at times. He keeps you thriving and in peace. He keeps His promises! Not only that, God is right now keeping you strong until Jesus returns so you can be presented as blameless before Christ. …and He’s keeping an eternal inheritance ready for you whenever you do meet Jesus face to face. For me, reading these verses helps bring my big, all-powerful God into focus a bit. Rather than just thinking about Him as a vague “figure” who’s up in the sky somewhere presiding over the earth, I can picture Him keeping me. What a gift!
Thank you, God, for the ways you keep me. Thank you for keeping me as your treasured possession, and thank you for keeping me safe, strong and at peace. Thank you for keeping me from stumbling so I can be presented before Jesus one day—without fault and with joy. I look forward to that day! Amen.