A Fellowship of Believers

Living Your Best Life as a Majestic, Powerful Oak Tree

If you’re a visual person, this post is for you! What comes to mind if you try to picture yourself as a thriving pillar of strength and abundance in the Kingdom of God? If you close your eyes for a minute, what do you see? 

Isaiah 61 is a beautiful chapter about what life looks like in the kingdom of God. Its language powerfully portrays what we’ll witness and experience when Jesus returns one day! I dare you to try and read through it without smiling… Without getting excited about when that day comes! You’ll see phrases like this: 

  • freedom for the captives
  • bind up the brokenhearted
  • comfort all who mourn
  • bestow on them a crown of beauty
  • restore the places long devastated
  • renew the ruined cities
  • you will receive a double portion
  • everlasting joy will be yours
  • I will reward my people

And that’s just naming a few! It really is the most incredible passage. But if you zoom into the second half of Isaiah 61:3, you receive a visualization that can encourage and embolden you. 

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. -Isaiah 61:3b

Have you ever thought about yourself as an oak of righteousness? A mighty oak tree—that’s you! A mighty oak tree in the kingdom of God. You were created to display the splendor of our glorious God, and what a magnificent role that is to play. So how much do you know about oak trees? Here are a few facts (from The Conservation Foundation, LiveMoreYHA and The Environmentor) and thoughts to help deepen the mind picture of YOU as an oak tree of splendor for the Lord.

There are about 500 different species of oak trees in the world. There are also so many different kinds of people in the world! No two people are alike. You are one of one, made perfectly and uniquely by God, the all-powerful Creator of the universe. 

Oak trees are long-lived. They mature at age 75 and have an average lifespan of 150-250 years. The oldest oak trees are more than 1,000 years old! Just as the oak trees live long lives, so do we as believers in Christ. Our time spent on earth is a mere speck in the grand timeline of history, since our lives continue into eternity with Christ. We have no reason to fear death because death on earth is merely a doorway into life in and with Jesus!

Oak trees are ecosystem heroes. They provide food and shelter for many kinds of animals, making them essential to a thriving ecosystem. In fact, no other plant comes close to supporting the amount of species that oak trees do! Oak trees are known as “keystone species” because of their foundational role in local food webs. As a believer in Jesus, you are a keystone human. You are called to model and extend the love, grace, forgiveness, care and mercy of God to all those around you. In doing so, you can provide the nourishment and encouragement someone might need to keep going. Your own little ecosystem/environment can THRIVE because of your words, attitude, choices and actions that shine Jesus’ love in a dark world. 

Oak trees produce acorns. Now don’t worry, you’re not expected to have actual nuts or fruits popping out of your ears… But you are expected to bear fruit for the Lord. When you stay closely connected to God, He enables you to be fruitful. John 15:8 says it glorifies God when we bear much fruit, and we bear fruit by showing ourselves as disciples of Christ. Fruit that we bear not only shows the world who Jesus is, but it also serves others and does work with bringing nonbelievers toward saving faith in Jesus. 

Speaking of acorns, every oak tree started its life as a tiny acorn. You also, when you surrendered your life to Christ, began as a baby, maturing spiritually as time has gone by. Obviously an oak tree would never become an oak tree without the proper conditions conducive to its growth. (And grow it does—up to 70 feet tall!) What kind of conditions are in your individual atmosphere? Do you have people, habits, routines, mindsets and disciplines in place to help you grow in your life as a believer? God calls us to pursue maturity in him. Check out Hebrews 5:11-14 and 1 Peter 2:2-3 for more about this.

Tall oak trees drink lots of water. Those tall oak trees can reach 70 feet in height, 135 feet in length, and nine feet in width. A tree that big is thirsty! Oak trees of that size absorb up to 50 gallons of water a day. When you’re thirsty, where do you turn for a drink? What kind of water is contributing (or not contributing) to your growth (or lack thereof)? Scripture calls Jesus the Living Water. In John 4:14, Jesus told the Samaritan woman that anyone who drinks the water He offers will never thirst again. “Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life,” Jesus said. We can turn to Him to satisfy our needs, and He will satisfy us completely.

Oak trees make music. Yes, the wood from an oak tree can be used to make stringed instruments, woodwinds and percussion. But guess what? Oak trees themselves have been called the world’s largest woodwind instruments. Educator and multi-instrumentalist Bruce Copley has fairly recently discovered and demonstrated how the oak tree’s acorn cap, or cupule, can be used as a wind instrument to create music. It creates a melodic whistling sound! You, an oak of righteousness planted by the Lord, get to praise Him with music! You can sing, play an instrument, or even speak sounds of celebration and praise. Applaud him by making music!

Oak trees have trunks! Ha ha I know, most trees do. I just love the fact that a massive oak tree trunk has visible rings on the inside. These rings tell the tree’s story. Their colors and patterns show whether the tree has thrived or struggled. From looking at the rings, you can tell a tree’s age, the climate it’s lived in and how that climate has changed over time. Tree rings also expose what kinds of life events the tree endured—wildfires, insect infestations, pollution and other environmental changes and challenges. What does your story tell about you? Are you marked by God’s faithfulness in the ups and downs of your life? No matter what you’ve faced throughout your years, you can tell the story of how God protected, provided, blessed, guided, encouraged, challenged and uplifted you over time. Like a mighty oak, let your story be a testimony of the goodness of God. 

Now read that verse one more time. 

They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. -Isaiah 61:3b

You are an oak of righteousness, child of God. You were planted by the Lord to display His splendor. With this astonishing visual in mind, step into your home, your workplace, your church, your neighborhood, your school, and your social circles with confidence. STAND TALL! Look ahead toward God’s restored kingdom, and be proud of your place in it—today and for eternity.