A Fellowship of Believers

A Song for When... You Want God to Direct You

When I think about staying within God’s sovereign will for my life and following where He leads, I’ve always pictured an umbrella in my mind. If God’s will for me is a big umbrella, I want to stay under it. If the umbrella moves, I must move with it. When I’m under God’s umbrella of protection and provision, then I have absolutely nothing to worry about! Even when challenging times arise, and they will, I know I’m safe within His care and plan for me. Under God’s sovereign umbrella, I feel peace. (And if I don’t feel peace deep down in my heart, then my senses are perked, knowing I must tune into God’s voice to hear where/how He may be telling me to move.)

The umbrella has always been my visualization when I consider where God is calling me to be, but the song “Wind of Love,” by Elevation Rhythm, provided a powerful new picture to imagine in my mind. Have you ever been out in a sailboat on the open water? Now I’m definitely no sailing expert, but I do know that sailboats can be steered. The wind propels them into motion, but the direction can definitely be controlled. However, consider a sailboat that just has its sail in the air and is not being purposefully, humanly steered. With just the sail in the air and no controlled steering systems in place, the boat would go in whatever direction the wind takes it.

What if we pictured ourselves as sailboats with our sails in the air, and the wind that moved us along was the Holy Spirit? Read these lyrics:

I put my sails in the air … I’m yours, just take me anywhere … I’m casting all my cares … So you can take me anywhere … Anywhere … Just let the wind of love blow … Spirit, come and take control … And it doesn’t matter where we go … Just let the wind of love blow, yeah

Wow, isn’t that the most incredible mind picture?! As believers, we are out there on the open water, sailing along, and we can just let our sails be directed by the Lord! When we surrender to Him and stop trying to steer ourselves without His input, He can take us to where He wants us to go. His wind of love can blow! His Spirit can fully take control. What an incredible thought. That’s exactly how I want the direction of my life to be determined. 

The second verse expands the beautiful picture in my mind even further:

‘Cause I put my trust in the Lord … I won’t let fear keep me on the shores … May I venture out into the deep, oh … Confident that you won’t let me sink, yeah

YES! I don’t want fear to keep me on the shores! I want to venture out into the deep—where it might be scary, but I can move forward trusting that God won’t let me sink. Staying safe is easy. For anybody who’s afraid to be out on the water, the shore is certainly your best option. On shore, you can keep your feet on the ground. You can stay in control of exactly where you’re headed. But on shore, you also miss out. You miss out on incredible views, feeling the wind in your hair, and the openness and freedom of being out on the wide blue expanse. When you stay boxed in and comfortable, you miss the beautiful feeling of surrender! We can trust in God and be confident that He won’t let us sink. 

Another section of the song provides me a much needed reminder of the possibilities that become available to me when I put my sails in the air and let the Spirit’s wind guide and direct my life. It says:

And I won’t lean on my own understanding … I trust that you won’t ever leave me stranded … Fully sold out, hands high and heart abandoned … In the unknown, I will follow

Don’t you just want that to be you?! Fully sold out, hands high, heart abandoned! YES, Lord! When we fully surrender to God, He ever so carefully takes us into the unknown. I love that because when I try to guide my life on my own, there’s only so far I can go. In my limited human knowledge and understanding, my options are just that—limited. I don’t know the future, and I can’t comprehend how different parts of my life might all work together for good or for growth. God, on the other hand, knows all. He exists outside of time, and He is constantly at work weaving each string of my life into a beautiful tapestry. Quick example: I got a college degree in journalism. I knew I didn’t want to write for a newspaper, but God gave me peace about earning that specific degree, so I did. After graduation, I followed the Holy Spirit’s prompting and joined Teach For America to become a teacher. Eight years into my career, I switched from teaching elementary to teaching middle and high school. What classes do I now teach daily at the middle and high school level? Journalism. God knew all along. I surely didn’t, but I put my sails in the air, let His wind direct me, and it led me to right where I needed to be for this season of my life.

Although I can look back on times when I did let God guide me, I can also find plenty of times when I didn’t. It’s not easy to take your hands off the wheel and give up control. In fact, it’s downright scary sometimes. But I’m working on it, and listening to this song over and over helps remind me of the beauty that comes with a life of surrender. So I’m trying my best each day. I put my sails in the air, Lord! Take me anywhere.