A Fellowship of Believers

25 Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Connected to Jesus

Anyone who’s somewhat familiar with the Bible has probably read or heard the verses in John 15 that talk about the vine and the branches. If you haven’t read them before, check them out in John 15:1-17. I was talking about these verses with some friends recently, and one of my friends said she’s always had a hard time figuring out what the word abide means in this passage—or in some Bible translations, it’s remain. The word is repeated quite a bit! In fact, my Bible uses the word remain 11 times in the first 10 verses of John 15. So what does it really mean?

Big picture, the symbolism being used here is that God is the gardener, Jesus is the true vine, and we (believers—the church!) are the branches. We are commanded by God to bear fruit that will last, meaning He wants us to stay busy doing things that have eternal significance. But the only way to do this is by remaining in Jesus! We must abide with him and stay connected to the true vine in order to live abundant, fruitful lives that honor God and bring Him glory. And I’m definitely trying to live that abundant, full life! I want to be in a flourishing, joy-filled relationship with Him.

So what does it really mean to remain? or to abide? Well, as I think about a branch remaining in a vine, it’s staying connected to it. A branch that’s off on its own is no longer abiding with the vine. In order for us to remain and abide in and with Jesus, we must stay connected to Him. Here are 25 ideas for maybe some fresh new ways to stay connected to Jesus: 

  • Spend an extra 5-10 minutes in prayer that you don’t usually spend.
  • Take a walk and listen to a sermon, Christian audiobook, podcast or worship music while you walk!
  • Take a walk and keep your ears headphone/airpod-free while you walk. Just listen for God’s voice.
  • Read one of your favorite Bible verses in several different Bible translations. 
  • Read a Psalm right when you wake up or right before you go to sleep.
  • Memorize one Bible verse.
  • Stop by your church and deliver some donuts or cookies to staff members. Tell them you’re thankful for them and that you’re praying for them!
  • Read a book of the Bible that you’re never read before, or read one you’re not very familiar with. (Or part of one!) 
  • Stop for five minutes of your break time at school/work to say “hello” to God and keep connected to Him during your day.
  • Text an encouraging message, prayer or Bible verse to a friend or family member.
  • Grab lunch or coffee with a sister or brother in Christ! Be intentional about bringing Jesus into the conversation.
  • Go to a coffee shop, silence your phone for an hour, and read your Bible. (Check out this blog post for tips!)
  • Go to bed a few minutes earlier than usual and lay in the silence—talk to God or listen to Him!
  • Make a list of things you’re grateful to God for.
  • Spend a few minutes in silence, with no distractions, listening for His voice.
  • Write down as many of God’s attributes as you can. Read them to Him!
  • Listen to a worship song several times in a row in your car or in a quiet place. Meditate on the lyrics as you listen/sing.
  • Tell God about something you’ve never told Him before.
  • Call, email or talk to your pastor about a question you have about God or the Bible.
  • Find a new home/lock screen for your phone that has a Scripture verse on it.
  • Watch one of The Bible Project’s videos on YouTube. 
  • Re-read a Bible story you know really well. Journal about these questions: What can I learn about God? What can I learn about people? What can I learn about myself? 
  • Listen to an old familiar hymn. Read the lyrics as you listen if possible! If you’re not familiar with any hymns, try “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.”
  • Read the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection in Matthew 27-28. Look for a detail you’ve never noticed before.
  • Write an encouraging Bible verse on a post-it note and stick it somewhere visible in your home. If you’re not sure which Bible verse to use, read Psalm 23 and choose a verse from there.

Hopefully at least one of those ideas might be a refreshing way for you to connect to Jesus. Maybe the Holy Spirit will lead you to try a few of them! Bottom line, do whatever you need to do to stay connected to Jesus. Remaining in Him and abiding with Him is the key to a fulfilling life in Christ. How can you tighten your grip on Him today?