We live in a world where instant gratification RULES. We can communicate with people instantly, find any kind of news instantly and even submit a grocery order instantly. We can order something on Amazon and sometimes have it delivered later that same day! Remember when we used to watch one episode of a show and then had to wait an entire week for the next episode? So much of our entertainment doesn’t even require us to wait anymore. An entire season of a show gets released all at the same time on streaming platforms!
I know sometimes I’ve fallen into the trap of an instant gratification mindset when it comes to reading the Bible, too. Everything else comes so quickly, it only seems right that I should be able to open the pages of Scripture and instantly understand everything it says. Have you ever found yourself frustrated that you sat down to read your Bible and weren’t instantly encouraged? Or has there been a day when you read a difficult passage and got discouraged that you couldn’t immediately figure out what the words were really saying?
We are so used to being able to snap our fingers and have an Amazon box magically appear at the door, but not everything works like that. And ya know what? I’ll be bold enough to say that we shouldn’t even want everything to work like that! If nothing gave us cause to slow down, be present, meditate and practice waiting or pondering, our internal motors might just run us ragged.
I’ve been reading through Daniel recently, and God pricked my heart when I read about how Daniel was instructed to consider God’s words to him. If he considered them, God would bless him with understanding. Here’s the verse with just a bit of context:
While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill—while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, a word went out, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the word and understand the vision: -Daniel 9:20-23, emphasis added
And then? Gabriel proceeded to explain Daniel’s vision to him. Daniel was confused about a vision from God. He had not been gifted with immediate understanding. This was not one of those instant gratification moments! But rather than shutting down in frustration or just moving on to the next thing that required less effort, Daniel prayed for insight and understanding. When he began praying, his answer was sent through Gabriel. Gabriel instructed him to consider the word and understand the vision.
What a lesson for us to learn! Just imagine…. God might have a treasure chest full of wisdom and understanding waiting for you—if you’d only take time to slow down and consider His Word! The pace of our world does not make this easy. I know! But Kingdom citizens must often live counterculture to the world, and this is one simple way you can do just that. Here are 10 easy ideas for slowing down enough to truly consider God’s Word:
When you stop long enough to consider God’s Word, He will meet you and bless you with understanding. The best news of all? He never runs out of insight, wisdom and understanding to share. The more you slow down with your Bible, the more you will mature in the Lord. In the words of Gabriel, “Consider the message and understand the vision.” What vision does God have waiting for you? What does He want you to see and understand about Him? What if He’s just waiting—right now!—to teach you something transformational? Forget the instant gratification. Instead, embrace life at God’s speed. Consider His words, don’t just rush through them and hope they somehow help. Welcome the pace of the Almighty.